How we die - an interview with the author Connie Smolny
The Death belongs to life. So of course this moment is so different are his interpretations of history. Every culture has its own, each period a new approach to the memento mori, the awareness of our mortality, developed. Today, it seems as if we are dying further banish from our lives. The current cult of eternal youth can ignore the expiration of the people at the end of his life and really just drive out. Or not? The author Connie Smolny deals in her latest book with new and future ways of dealing with death and burial, but also draws attention back to past centuries. We spoke with the author:
first What is the central message of your book?
Dealing with death and dying is subject to constant change. The fear of death had previously ostensibly a fear of eternal damnation, and today it is more the fear, loneliness and connected deported in a nursing home or to an armada of tubes and instruments, also lonely and yet also delivered fully to take the last breath.
was why my themes in the book, for example, the growing diversity in the funeral services in the European culture. The relationship of the Society for the suicide of the Stoics to the dying as a paid service, or the death and the expectations of the time after that will be discussed in the major religions of the world as well as the processing of death in art, literature and music.
second Why you should read your book?
Not only when the thick November fog lay heavy and gray over landscapes and cities, once used to like a book. In November, if memory is celebrated on days such as All Souls and Remembrance Sunday, the subject of death is nearer than months, in which all flowers and greenery. Reading this brief cultural history of death can be the one informing and forming, but also comforting and exhilarating. Through their diversity, it is interesting and catches your attention by more and more aspects of the same subject. This release looks different and can thus expand the horizons of readers and to raise awareness concerning for some, dealing with death and dying. Death means loss, pain and grief. And in the end, the question arises: What remains? What effect has my life on my death?
third Why She herself is the subject so interesting?
The subject interested me for many years. Personal experiences with death and dying, both professionally and personally have increased the desire to write this little cultural history. The fact that nothing and no-one is spared, that with this inevitability accept all need and it makes no sense to close off the death of life, as it provides then to take the harder, all that and much more fascinated me personally at death. He remains, though he is in science, culture and society deals with continuously and analyzed, often mysterious and sinister.
4th Who do you book appeal to?
The brief cultural history of death is of interest to all who wish to address this issue, either because they have pushed the death so far, she has captured the gray November Blues or the LOSS of a relative or good friend event is thus to address. As it ages and all walks of life concerns and is illuminated from different sides, new and fascinating aspects related to all.
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