"underpants - Bomber"
at the exact moment that America is a good reason need to attack Yemen, fortunately, appears to just one such. Now it is not bothered by it great that U.S. and the Saudis began with the attacks on Yemen, before this latest attack attempt. What matters is that the Nigerian is a Yemeni terrorist. to
During the past two months, Saudi Arabia has made bombing in Yemen of combat aircraft. Recently the U.S. sent two cruise missiles to Yemen in the attack killed dozens of civilians.
On Christmas Day Abdulmutallab had boarded an Airbus at Amsterdam Schiphol airport to Detroit. sewn into the crotch of his pants: the explosive PETN . In an attempt to ignite the powder, he was overwhelmed, and he offered no resistance.
Meanwhile, it was also known that Abdulmutallabs father had apparently turned two months ago out of concern for his son to safety officials. In a statement, the family says: "Concerned about the disappearance and the severance of communication has informed his father about two months, Nigerian security authorities." International agencies have been turned on for six weeks.
Umar Faruk Abdulmutallab.Der bombers from Detroit came from a wealthy family. The father of the suspected bomber Abdulmutallab has warned the U.S. in the summer before his son. The 23-year-old Nigerian, had apparently Islamist views and supported the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. His father was a minister in Nigeria from time to time and has led several banks.
The military police had already declared Abdulmutallab was not on his arrival from Nigeria's Lagos helped him through passport control gegangen.Dabei a mysterious helper.
A police spokesman said there was a large, well-dressed 50-year-olds. He had advocated that the bombers come without a passport on the machine of Northwest Airlines to Detroit left werde.Auch weeks later no imation Information to the public about these "helper". It is reminiscent of a bad spy movie where the mysterious helper is a Member of Association of the CIA, on behalf of a reason for the attack on Yemen and make grants to the Nigerians all the stones out of his way. It is not to expect that person to get more information to light after his arrest, although Abdulmutallab has been very talkative.
addition to the now justified attack on parts of Yemen are the world so called "body scanner installed, which pose real" terrorists "are no major obstacles as the conventional scan, but an important Instrumment for a police state forms.
also run some parts of the Patriot Act in what is probably prevented by the new "arguments".
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